



Training, ambition and job.


First, collecting is a perpetual search ...
Not necessarily to conduct a cultural research on a given theme, but rather to be in a state of alert, to hunt, to pass by long anxious expectations and, as for a rare game, to leave the pieces of lesser interest to leap on that worthy of emotion... Whatever the sacrifice is.

Collecting as a way of life?
No, just create privileged moments, create moments to escape from everyday life. First of all a collection resembles those that have gathered it; it is a totally subjective and biased vision of the subject which it claims to account for. Please forgive the shortcomings. If you are tempted to make a stretch of the road we have travelled, know that it has taken us hours, years of observation, listening, comparison, humility before refining our taste, forming our ear.


The visit of the Museums of the World is an indispensable formative element. Each instrument conveys in addition to emotional impact, its own cultural past; we had to get to know them to better appreciate them. This helped us to choose the pieces rigorously so that they bear witness at the same time:


    • the imaginative effervescence that characterizes artisans, engineers and creative artists
    • the simplicity and finesse of means used to access pleasure, games and the wonderful...
    • a very particular aesthetics and richness of sound documents we can encounter.


This is enough to outline the difficulty that governs the constitution but also the restoration of a collection. It is not enough to engrave the object. It is necessary that the instrument sings, that it finds its breath and its brilliance. Our restoration work requires a variety of qualities, reflection, patience and even perseverance, a taste for documentary research and so much care that a restoration takes place over an infinite amount of time.


The one of a musical piece of the importance of a carousel organ is planned over two years. Beyond the technical part, the most delicate questions arise on the aesthetic plane; we must know where to stop. Sometimes a refurbishment can destroy an object. It is not necessary that an automaton painted a hundred years ago be clean and... soulless. Knowing that this point of view is not unanimously shared, we must discern the outrage that must absolutely be repaired, from the crack not to touch under penalty of disfiguring the whole.

We look at our little world with indulgence because we thank them for still being with us.


Eve + Philippe Crasse


We especially thank the eye of Jean-Louis GARNELL, who so beautifully sublimated these objects of art...  Most of these shots were gathered in a book published by the Regional Council of Midi-Pyrénées during the exhibition of the collection at the Grand Palais in Paris in 1987.







jaf couv

bam chinois couv

welte mignon couv

albertine couv

ruckenklavier ignaz bruder couv

serinette couv


pierrot vichy couv

magicorgana couv

lapin couv

coq couv

ludochose couv

limonaire couv

organina thibouville couv

ours couv

gavioli couv

clown fonte couv

cheval couv

pompiers couv

manopan couv

clowns couv

peintre couv

turcs couv

wurlitzer150 couv

distributeur couv

duo art couv

bremond couv

valseurs couv

polyphon couv

scopitone bobines

Savoyard couv

pierrot lune couv

welte cottage en cours restauration

jukebox wurlitzer modell 1100 couv

mills deluxe violano virtuoso orchestrion couv

ludoclip couv

Eve et son pierement au Raffles Hotel singapore couv

plafon manege avions couv

ane bayol jour de fete tati

plafon manege avions couv

LE LUDION Sarl                +  33 607 624 394
Established in 1976   -   Capital de 120.000 €
SIRET 334 256 120 00026          NAF 3220Z
VAT Ident                         FR 26 334 256 120
2 Rue Pierre de Fermat F-31000 TOULOUSE
RCP MMA IARD                     N° 113 520 312